The beginning…it’s a very good place to start. RiverStone knows that the morning of your wedding is a very important part of the whole experience. How you begin your day will set the tone for the remainder of your wedding. But chances are, as the sun rises on the morning of your big day, you’ll be dealing with some nerves along with all that excitement. Therefore, having a TO DO List for managing the final countdown is an important part of ensuring that you have a relatively low-stress, highly memorable wedding day. And we’re here to share some tips for how to do just that!
Pack Early
Pack all your wedding day necessities the week before your wedding. This includes:
- Garter(s) and undergarments
- Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue
- Hair accessories – brush, hair pins, clips, hairspray
- Makeup – foundation, bronzer, false eyelashes, or any special lipgloss, or mascara you intend to use
- Dress
- Tux
- Family heirlooms
- Any other important accessories
Being as thorough and proactive as possible will eliminate scrambling the night before/morning of your wedding, and this will be a key factor to your peace of mind.
Get Enough Sleep
We realize that amidst all the excitement, sleep may be the furthest thing from your mind. But it’s so important that you are fresh and well rested for your big day! Check out these ideas to help you wind down and fall asleep faster the night before your wedding:
- Take a warm shower/bath.
- Listen to calming music.
- Don’t eat anything after 8 PM.
- Start unwinding at least an hour before you intend to go to bed.
- No blue screens.
- No caffeine after noon.
Eat a Good Breakfast
Fuel your body right! You don’t have to eat much. It’s more about quality than quantity. So pick something that is high in protein and will stick to your ribs, and avoid straight sugars and carbs so you don’t fall victim to a sugar crash midway through the day.
Steer Clear of the Garlic and Onions
Along those same lines, we recommend that you steer clear of garlic and onions as much as possible throughout the day. You have a lot of talking (and kissing) to do, so it’s a good idea to choose food options that are a little less potent today. And be sure to have plenty of mints and a toothbrush nearby!
Avoid Too Much Alcohol Early in the Day
Watch your alcohol consumption throughout the day. You may opt for a couple mimosas, bloody marys or beers while you are getting ready with your crew, but remember to pace yourself. And be careful not to over consume. You have a long day ahead, and you want to experience and remember this day fully.
Communicate with You Hair and Makeup Team
It’s important that you talk to your beauty squad well in advance of the big day. Ask what they need and expect from you. Some stylists prefer to work with clean hair, and some prefer to work with dirty hair. ASK what you need to know and how you can help them accomplish their best work. Also, don’t forget to bring a button down shirt or robe to wear while you get your hair and makeup done. That way you won’t have to pull anything over your hair (and risk messing it up) once its styled.
Make contact with your fiancé
Regardless of whether you are choosing to do a first look or not, making contact with your fiancé at some point throughout the day can be a very effective stress-reducer. We recommend making time for a private phone call or text just to check in and share some love before you meet one another at the altar.
Along the way, take time to appreciate where you are and who is with you. Making a conscious effort to be in the moment and be grateful for the love surrounding you will make this day absolutely unforgettable.