
5 New Years Resolutions for Brides & Grooms-to-Be

Happy New Year from our RiverStone family to yours! We hope you’ve had a wonderful holiday full of love and goodness. As we ring in the New Year, we are each given the opportunity to pause and evaluate our plans for the future. If you’re recently engaged or getting married this year, you’re probably feeling especially excited about all the “future planning” on your calendar. One thing is certain, this will be a busy year for all our B&G’s! So RiverStone wants to take a few minutes to help you set some intentions for the road ahead. Here are 5 New Years Resolutions for Brides & Grooms-to-Be…

1. I will determine my budget and create my guestlist before I make any other wedding-related decisions.

RiverStone recognizes that these tasks are particularly daunting to our wedding couples. Determining budgets and creating guestlists are time-consuming processes that can create tension amongst couples. But the truth is, you simply cannot make any other big decisions until you know how much you are willing and able to spend on your wedding and how many people you will need to accommodate. Check out RiverStone’s Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Your Guest List.

2. I will treat my wedding party the way I want to be treated.

Put some thought into this one! Your wedding party = your closest friends and family members. So make sure you treat them that way! One of the best ways to evaluate decisions that impact your wedding party is to ask yourself how you would feel about a particular request if the roles were reversed? Then adjust accordingly. For tips about how to keep your wedding party happy, click here.

3. I will trust my wedding pros.

We cannot overstate the value of wedding professionals. These people make dreams come true for a living! Your vendors have likely seen it all, which is a great thing when you’re counting on them to expect the unexpected, develop workable contingency plans, and think on their feet. If you were thorough about hiring experienced vendors, now’s the time to trust that experience. For tips about how to choose the right vendors for the job, check out our recent photographer and videographer Q&A’s.

4. I will not allow social media to dictate my happiness.

The influence of social media is undeniable in our culture, but we want to caution you to set some boundaries during your engagement and wedding seasons. You can drive yourself crazy chasing “likes” and competing for the catchiest “hashtag.” But the real life moments will pass quickly, so take time to step away from the screen and be present. Then refer to resolution #4 and trust your professionals do heavy lifting of documenting your big day! Take a look at these tips for how to deal with unsolicited wedding planning advice and how to be present on your wedding day.

5. I will treat my mind and body well

What are the essential ingredients for a successful wedding day? A healthy, happy you + a healthy, happy fiancé! Stir in a whole lotta love, and the rest will be history. But getting to the altar with a healthy mind and body takes real intention. So eat healthy and exercise. Get enough sleep and set aside time for some R&R. Invest in each other. Invest in your hobbies. Do the things you love with the people that love you! Trust us, developing these habits during the busiest of seasons will set you up for a healthy, happy life, not just a successful wedding day!

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